Recently Nobles art magazine Calliopé, Drawing Club, and TGIF Ops collaborated to put up an exhibition of student artwork outside Lawrence Auditorium in the hallway between the Link and Henderson Arts Center. The installation was also part of a larger initiative during which they collected submissions of artwork and writing for Calliopé online. The stunning gallery can be viewed here.
Helen Cui ’23, who helped organize the initiative with fellow artist Dorothy Zhang ’23, said, “We wanted to foster a sense of community especially in the visual arts at Nobles, specifically because of the lack of interaction between Classes III, II and I and Class IV. Dorothy and I figured that this would be a wonderful way for students to get to see each other’s work no matter what day of the week they come to school.”
Zhang added, “Since we don’t really have any chances to get together as a community of students this year, we wanted to recreate this feeling by having a joint gallery that all students can view and submit their work to, whether they are upper schoolers, middle schoolers, or fully virtual. Also, people had probably made lots of artwork over quarantine during the summer, so we wanted to create a space where students could share their art.”
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