The 2013 Middle School play, The Yellow Boat, opened on Wed., Feb 13, in Lawrence Auditorium. Based on the true story of Benjamin Saar, who was born with congenital hemophilia and died in 1987, at the age of 8, of AIDS-related complications, the play brings to life the creativity, imagination and hope of a brave child. The cast features 11 Middle School students: Emily Baskin, Isabelle Walkey, Peter Scharer, Reilly Macdonald, Gussie Gordon, Maura McLaughlin, Grace Scott-Hiser, Gevaniah "Gigi" Gabeau,  Marijke Perry, Abigail Wright, and Maya Fiore.  It is directed by Angie Jepson Marks, and assisted by Amelia Antone, Class I.

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