Mission & Principles
The Mission of Noble and Greenough School
Noble and Greenough School is a rigorous academic community dedicated to inspiring leadership for the public good. Through mentoring relationships, we motivate students to achieve their highest potential and to lead lives characterized by service to others.
The Nobles community:
- Generates critical, creative, socially conscious thinkers;
- Upholds a commitment to diversity;
- Develops character and intellect in deliberate conjunction;
- Cultivates purposeful citizenship on local, national and global levels;
- Builds independence and self-respect through challenge and achievement;
- Espouses humility, humor, collaboration, honesty and respect for others as the foundations of a vibrant intellectual community.
Community Principles
The community principles underlie the Noble and Greenough School Code of Conduct. If the school never identified specific rules, these principles alone would be sufficient guidelines for all members of the community. Violations of the community principles constitute a serious breach of trust and will usually result in disciplinary action (except in some cases involving “Respect for Self,” which may warrant medical or psychological intervention).
The examples cited below are just that; their inclusion in the following paragraphs should not be construed as narrowly defining a particular violation.
Nobles seeks to underscore the importance of honesty in all our lives—both at Nobles and in the world beyond the school. Lying, cheating, plagiarism, pirating copyrighted material and other methods of misrepresentation are unacceptable.
Respect For Self
Nobles aspires to be a community that encourages each individual to develop a healthy sense of respect for and honesty toward him- or herself, that nurtures both physical and emotional well being, and that promotes the concepts of independence and responsibility in all members of the community.
Respect For Others
Nobles aspires to be a community where the sanctity of each individual is respected, where differences are embraced, and where no member of the Nobles community demeans, belittles or harms another.
Note: Nobles became a tobacco-free campus in September 1994. Use of tobacco products is prohibited everywhere on our grounds and in our buildings except for faculty and staff residences.